Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wow, you'll never believe this. Somebody actually reads this. I know, big news, big news. I'd just like to thank my Mum, My two sisters, my dog and my pet rock Prince Angelo Samprus Cereal.
But seriously. Cool.
Today was rather layed back. But not the good kind of layed back. The kind of layed back you look back on and go 'Shit, wow, that was really boring day you had there. Why were you feeling so down and sorry for your self ? La-haaame'. Really, today has been such a sorry sad kit day, but that was just my mood. I'm all good now, because I remembered that there are such great things in the world, and that I really didn't want to be that sorry pathetic person.
The things I did in my day though? Were actually pretty good. I road my bike to a friends up so I could pick up her old phone, then rode around my area a little bit - in the rain, but it was rather refreshing. I came home and watched United States of Tara, then I rode up to the Op-Shop and got myself some clothes. Didn't even try them on. Just browsed quickly and throwed it all over my arm, that was rather sad though, I would've liked to say much longer and find some more bargains, but I had to be home buy a certain time - so I thought.
A good talk to my friend Nic has brightened my mood though! I was going to say day, then I realised it was night. Nerr Amy. Deep and meaningful talks ni-oiicee.
This is not going to be the last post darlings, i'm in the mood to post some nonsense. So get ready!
And plus, I need to make up for the apparent 3 days I haven't blogged for!

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